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History of Lake View Plantation

Located in Piscataquis County, Maine, Lake View Plantation was organized

on March 5, 1895 from Township T4 R8 NWP.

Lake View Community Building

The location of the Lake View Mills and settlement was chosen mainly for the timber land which Merrick Thread Company wanted for the manufacture of spools. The exact location was selected by Mr. F.W. Hamlin, an Agent for the company. In September 1888, land clearing commenced.


In1889, the Mill, Boarding House and some of the tenement houses were constructed with supplies brought in by a team of horses to a point on the shore about two miles above Lake View, known as “Gerrish Landing,” and then transferred via boat to Lake View. Later, the private highway landing from Lake View to the County Road at the Highland Slate Quarry was built.


In 1890, the need for a public school was apparent. Merrick Thread Company agreed to fund the cost to build a school if public schools were maintained by subscription. The owners of the timber land and residents of Lake View agreed to this, and the first school building was constructed the following year. 


Over the next year, three terms of school, taught by Jane Jones of Milo were funded by paid subscription. However, the land owners did not hold up their end of the agreement and failed to share the expense. At the end of the first school year it was determined that the subscription plan had failed.


At a citizen’s meeting, a vote took place to apply to the County Commissioners for permission to organize a School Plantation. Hon. S.G. Dinsmore, Chairman of the County Commissioners, granted permission to organize a School Plantation.


The first meeting was held on June 16, 1892, presided over by Judge M.L. Durgin of Milo. The Following officers were chosen:


Assesors: J.E. Farnham, F.D. Ellis, C.F. Bumps

Plantation Clerk: P.M. Hamlin

Treasurer: F.W. Sargent

Tax Collector/Constable: C.M. Butler

Superintending School Committee: J.E. Farnham, C.M. Butler, B.F. Clark


Within two years, the school building became inadequate in size. A vote was held to purchase the building from Merrick Thread Company. Once the deal closed, the building was enlarged by twenty feet and served as a public school building until the present double-room building was constructed in 1909.


The first church services were held in the little school house at Lake View in 1891, officiated by Reverend and Mrs. A.W. Young. Rev. Young was the Pastor of the Milo Baptist Church. Sunday School was organized with J.E. Farnham as Superintendent. Church and Sunday School services continue to this day. The building was remodeled and is used as a Chapel. It is the only remaining original town-owned structure in the Plantation.

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